Coaching & Consulting
Having worked over 20 years in multinational and international organisations, I have direct appreciation and experience of the stresses and challenges of the business professional and their working environment. My approach to coaching combines practical business experience with training in psychology and neuroscience of how we function to facilitate a more meaningful, lasting change in support of achieving desired goals and objectives.
I offer short to medium-term coaching assignments focused on the individuals’ personal development goals.
As coach, my job is to help you define and clarify goals, and identify and build skills and resources to achieve them. I use a combination of approaches depending on the individual needs. Internal Family Systems (IFS) method is particularly helpful in identifying and working with potential blocks – those parts of us that may cause us to procrastinate, avoid, self-criticise, or self-sabotage for example.
Using your skills in awareness and alignment of your whole person can clarify the way forward, resolve inner conflicts and avoid sabotaging goals. Enlisting the support of all the parts of us that make us who we are leads us to define more coherent goals and act with more ease and flow toward achieving these goals.
Consulting mandates for multinationals and international organisations in Human Resources have included projects in Talent Selection, Leadership and Organisational Development, and Performance Management.

Past projects and mandates have included
- Competency Assessments
- Leadership Development programs
- Succession Planning
- Performance Management processes
- Executive Coaching and Mentoring programs
- 360 feedback (certified in Personnel Decisions International and Lominger tools)
- Selection/Recruitment using Competency Based Interviewing techniques
- DDI’s Targeted Selection training
- Career Development programs