Over 25 years experience in various functions, mainly in Human Resources with multinationals and international organisations including more than 15 years as a trained Counsellor and Coach.
My initial career after my university MBA degree was in Finance. I travelled with work and for pleasure and enjoyed exploring different countries and cultures. My curiousity increasingly turned inward to exploring the inner world of the psyche and I completed an MA in Counselling, followed by work in Human Resources, Coaching, and Counselling. Some of the HR positions I’ve held with Europe-wide responsibilities were as Leadership and Development Manager, HR Director, and Recruitment and Development Manager.
As a coach and psychological counsellor, I have become increasingly interested in somatic psychology and neuroscience of the mind and body and how these approaches make the process of change more effective and efficient. To this end I have completed Post-graduate studies in Somatic Experiencing and Internal Family Systems as well as other workshops focused on the treatment of trauma, anxiety, depression, and relationship challenges.
With Swiss and American nationalities, I have been living and working in Switzerland for more than 25 years, working in both English and French. I am married and have one school-aged son. I am resourced and re-energised by being out in nature enjoying a variety of outdoor sports, meditation, yoga, and time with family and friends.

Degrees and Certifications
MA Counseling
SGfB Diplôme Fédéral EPS in Psychosocial Counselling
Master Coach diploma from Institut de Coaching (IDC) Geneva
Somatic Experiencing Practitioner® (SEP) certification
Internal Family Systems Therapist (completed the advanced Level 3 with founder Dick Schwartz and have assisted on Level1 training)
ASCA certification # K498062 for disciplines
Psychological Coaching and Psychosocial Counselling
Certified to deliver
Coaching Skills by Center for Management and Organizational Effectiveness
Targeted Selection by DDI
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
Profilor (360 feedback tool) by Personnel Decisions International
Lominger Competency model and Voices (360 feedback tool)
Professional Memberships
ASCA (Swiss Foundation for Complimentary therapies) www.asca.ch
SGfB (Swiss Association for Counselling www.sgfb.ch
Somatic Experiencing Trauma Institute www.traumahealing.com
US Assoc. for Body Psychotherapy www.usabp.org
Continuing Further Education
To maintain my professional accreditations, to keep up-to-date on effective methods, and to fulfill my personal interest in continued learning, I complete yearly requirements for regular supervision and continued professional education.